Hey everyone!
Yesterday was conference, it was good but I didn't get your package. Next time...I hope. But I got wonderful letters from the Zeke Hsu family (Lucas drew me a picture! I hung it up.) Amanda Brown and Patricia Summerall. As well...I got a gift package from Grandma care of Mr. Cheney's. Thank you all! You all have letters coming your way.
I have now spent 7 hours in a Brazillian ER. Nope, not kidding. Although it´s pretty much the same as an American ER. Lots of people coughing and crying. Don´t worry everyone, I´m ok. My companion has a really bad cold and so she went to the ER. She (and by extension me) spent 3 hours waiting to be called, and I sat around for 4 hours after that. It was boring...and hard because the World Cup was on and we aren't allowed to watch it. So, I pretty much read my bible in Portuguese for 7 hours.
Yesterday was conference! It was great to see members of my CTM district. Sister Poast (she says thanks for the letter btw), Elder Corbitt, Elder Rathsmusen and I found a corner and talked for 20 mins. It was great to get to talk to them. One elder I know is having a tough time, his companion (a brazillian) doesn't have any patience and hates speaking English...so he's in the dark half the time. Oh...HAPPINESS, I GOT MY PILLOW! HAPPY FACE!
Every week we have a fast for our investigators and to find new ones. Last week, after finishing (we go lunch to lunch) we met this woman named Ana. She has three daughters, Gabi, Bella and Carol (13,9,6). We taught them the first lesson. The spirit was so strong. On Sunday, Bella, Carol and Ana came with us to church! Ana needs to get married to her husband, but if she says YES, and fingers crossed, we can baptize them as a family...if it takes more time, Bella wants to get baptized on Saturday. I love this family!!!
In conference, President Castro Deus said something that I really liked. He said on our name tags we have three names. The first is our Family name-the name of our birthright, of the sacrifices of our family, of our personal history. The other names are of our wonderful older Brother, Jesus Christ and of the Church that we all serve. It is through these three names that we know our potential. If we don´t live up to our potential we disrespect our families and disregard all their teachings. That really hit me hard, I recognized the sacrifices of our family. Dad, Mom, Grandma Johnson, Grandma Heaton and her mom, and so on and so forth gave so much to their families. None of the women in my history ever sat around waiting for something to happen, they made their own stories. And that is what I am doing now. I´m paving a path that I can be proud to stand on, proud to show my children.
Also at conference, we received old Laihona magazines both in English and Portuguese (HAPPINESS!!!) In the October 2009 issue, I read Elder Holland´s talk on the Book of Mormon. Dad- I was reminded of you. Now, I´m not an apostle or a leader, but I too have a testimony that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph was a prophet. Thanks Dad, for sharing that experience with me, I´m gonna always remember that
On Sunday I fell and twisted my ankle. I was fine after 2 Tylenol and some rest. Whenever it´s a world cup Brazil game, we have to stay in the house, so I didn't have to walk much anyway. The food´s good. I eat a ton of bread. I love rice and beans, the salads are great too. Meat is yummy. I have found that I can only drink water...whenever I drink anything else I get sick. Seriously... sprite, juice, anything. Oh, and two nights ago when we were visiting Inez, she was making Ginger tea and she gave us a ginger root. Whenever I smell it, I feel like I´m at Benihana's Restaurant! Monday night, we visited a family for family night and they made SCONES!!! Well, scones without the sugar, but still, I was in heaven. Yeah it´s really hot. Everyone says I´m either really white or really red...whatever!
Happy Birthday, Brynn! Cally- draw me a picture! Miss you all!
Sister Shan